Rhys Ifans has bought Sienna Miller an engagement ring for her birthday. The Welsh actor plans to pop the question during a romantic evening to mark Sienna’s 26th birthday recently and has hidden the specially-designed band among a pile of presents.
A source told Britain’s Sun newspaper, "He’s collected 10 presents for Sienna of varying shapes, sizes and prices. They are all part of a plan for a romantic night in with a mountain of presents. He is keeping tight-lipped on a proposal but hinted to he has had a Welsh designer craft a special ring for her, which can only mean one thing."
Rhys, who was first romantically linked to Sienna in August after moving in to her London home in August when his houseboat started leaking, has also reportedly penned Sienna a poem in his native Welsh tongue to help ease her anxiety about growing older. The source added, "Sienna is having an age crisis and feels that she has not done enough with her life so far. Rhys, whose philosophy is to live and enjoy every day, has written her a poem about their brilliant future together, all her achievements in life so far and always seizing the best out of life."